Scott Klusendorf travels throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. He contends that the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas if properly understood and properly articulated.

A passionate and engaging speaker, Scott has appeared on nationally syndicated Christian programs such as Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family,The Albert Mohler Radio Program, Lee Strobel’s Faith Under Fire, Hank Hanegraaff’s The Bible Answer Man, Dr. D. James Kennedy’sTruths That Transform,Richard Land’s For Faith and Family, Tim Wildmon’s American Family Radio, Kerby Anderson’s Point of View, Todd Wilken’s Issues Etc., Todd Friel’s Way of the Master, Billy Graham’s Hour of Decision, and Moody Radio’sPrime Time America with David Wheatley.Secular talk show appearances have included KABC out of Los Angeles, the Lesley Primeau Show listened to broadly in the Edmonton area, and Radio America’s nationally syndicated program, The Gregg Knapp Experience.

Nationally, Scott has participated in numerous debates at the collegiate level. His debate opponents have included Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU (1991-2008) – Kathryn Kolbert, an attorney that has argued for abortion rights in a United States Supreme Court case – and Kathy Kneer, President of Planned Parenthood of California.

Scott has debated or lectured to student groups at over 80 colleges and universities, including Stanford, USC, UCLA, Johns Hopkins, Loyola Marymount Law School, West Virginia Medical School, MIT, U.S. Air Force Academy, Cal-Tech, UC Berkeley, and University of North Carolina.

Each year thousands of students at Protestant and Catholic high schools are trained by Scott to make a persuasive case for life as part of their worldview training prior to college. He’s provided that same training to students at Summit Ministries and Focus on the Family Institute.

Scott is the author of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture, released in March 2009 by Crossway Books and co-author of Stand for Lifereleased in December 2012 by Hendrickson Publishers.  Scott has also published articles on pro-life apologetics in The Christian Research Journal,Clear Thinking, Focus on the Family Citizen, and The Conservative Theological Journal.

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, said: “Scott first grabbed my attention when Focus on the Family featured one of his presentations on its national broadcast. I was struck by his ability to communicate truth so clearly and insightfully. I’ve heard many speakers who deliver excellent content, but few who can actually equip people to communicate their pro-life convictions to a secular culture. In fact, I was so impressed with Scott’s talk that I phoned him directly to learn more about his work. After that, I scheduled him as a keynote speaker for our own Breakpoint conference.”

Scott is a graduate of UCLA with honors and holds a Masters Degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.