Vicky Mathews became the Executive Director of Choices Women’s Clinic in January of 2015.  However, she is not a stranger to pregnancy center work, celebrating her 37th year in this work.  Vicky has spent the last 36 years consulting pregnancy centers around the county and world. 

Vicky’s calling to CHOICES was truly a “God thing”.  She was asked to help them with their Walk as a consultant which was very successful.  When the director resigned not long after, she was asked to consider the position.  Although she was not initially interested in the position, she agreed to help them as an interim director to provide transitional support and leadership.  When she saw firsthand what was happening in Orlando with abortion she could not turn away.  She felt the Lord reminded her why he had given her 28 years of experience and from that moment she knew she was called to champion the call to change our city.

Shortly after Vicky executed a vision to move into the heart of the city where late term abortion is big business.  With an incredible board, staff and team of volunteers CHOICES purchased a facility August 2016.  After 7 months of renovation the state-of-the-art medical clinic was opened July 2017. In 2019 the leadership launched a project to build a second clinic 1 mile from UCF near Planned Parenthood. After purchasing property debt free and building a 1.3-million-dollar facility during COVID, the clinic opened July 2021. In 2023 again CHOICES purchased a building in Kissimmee one-half mile from Planned Parenthood and opened debt free after renovation and opened in June 2024.  In 9 years of serving, the budget for CHOICES has grown from $250,000 annually to $3 million. CHOICES is recognized nationally and facilitates training to help other pregnancy centers how to achieve a high standard of success and strategies to reach the abortion determined demographic.

Vicky formerly served as the Executive Director of one of the largest pregnancy centers in Florida back in the pioneering days. She was also a Care Net consultant for 8 years helping open centers throughout the US.  She started as an Executive Director in 1987 in West Palm Beach, FL.  She grew this center exponentially from a small center and budget to a cutting-edge organization recognized nationally in the movement in her 8 years as the director.

She has been a national spokesperson and consultant at fund raising banquets, conferences for pregnancy centers, women’s retreats and events traveling to Eastern Europe, South Africa, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom.  

Vicky is passionate about LIFE and offering women and men an opportunity to make healthy CHOICES.  She never forgets her own journey of choices, her own decision to abort her first child and each day to walk in healing and wholeness by fulfilling the destiny of her purpose while calling others to do the same. 

 She is radical about her faith, her love relationship with the Father and her role as a wife to Bill.  Together they enjoy 5 children and 5 grandchildren with the promise of more to come!

Here is Vicky’s personal story shared at Discovery Church in 2019: